Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5.
This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. From when your child is born up until the age of 5, their early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.
Nurseries, pre-schools, reception classes and childminders registered to deliver the EYFS must follow a legal document called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
The EYFS Framework exists to support all professionals working in the EYFS to help your child, and was developed with a number of early years experts and parents.
In 2012 the framework was revised to make it clearer and easier to use, with more focus on the things that matter most. This new framework also has a greater emphasis on your role in helping your child develop.
The framework has been revised again with changes to the statutory guidance coming in to effect in September 2014.
It sets out:
New documents implemented from September 2014
Early Years Foundation Stage 2014
SEND Code of Practice 2014
Childcare Register 2014
Please refer to the links below for more information , do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information
All Childminders must register with Ofsted the regulatory body for the inspection of childcare provisions before they can care for any children. There are two registers dependent on the age of children cared for by the childminder, the early years register for children 0-5 years of age and the childcare register for children 5-8 years, as a provider of care for children aged from birth to 11 years of age I am required to register on both parts. As part of the criteria for registration childminders must provide parents/carers with certain information relating to the care of their child, this includes the type of activities provided, information about the registration process and safeguarding and complaints information. The following sections will cover all this information but if you require a more in depth explanation of the Childcare register please inform me and I will provide a copy for you.
ACTIVITIES FOR EYFS CHILDREN 0-5 YEARS OF AGE-All children in this age range must have activities provided that cover the seven areas of learning and development in the EYFS-a more in depth explanation of the EYFS can be found on separate sheet.
Activities provided can be either Adult or Child led and include music, story time, physical play (ball throwing, attending indoor play areas etc), construction, mark making, role play, Craft- including painting, gluing etc, Jigsaws, small world play (trains, figures, animals, cars etc), messy play (shaving foam, cereal etc) ITC age appropriate games and programmes and outside activities (water play, Pavement chalks, trips to local parks etc) free play, where children can freely self select any toys from labelled boxes or from open shelves
In order to register with Ofsted to provide childcare all childminders must follow certain criteria, this includes
If at any time a parent/carer has any safeguarding concerns regarding their child and any adult within the setting then they can inform Ofsted who will immediately investigate the incident or concern and deal with the matter appropriately or decide the situation was unfounded, all complainants will be informed of Ofsteds findings
OFSTED CONTACT DETAILS-Telephone 0300 123 1231
ADDRESS-The National Business Park, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Mancherster M1 2ND
If you require any more information about the any of the above or any other aspect of my setting please let me know and I will provide any extra information required
Opening Hours
7.30am - 5pm
Contact us
Email: contactus@littletwinkles.org
01472 877743
You can also contact us via our Facebook Page
£6 per hour per child
Packed Lunch Required
Flexible hours to suit your needs.
We now have a 2 day minimum requirement for childcare