Important Policies & Procedures

You as a parent/carer, is advised to read all my policies, to ensure you know how i run my business and what principles i follow.


  • Accident and Emergency Policy
  • Allergen Policy
  • Alcohol and other drugs Policy
  • Behaviour Managment Policy
  • Complaint Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Food and Drink Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Illness and Infection Policy
  • Inclusion Policy
  • Large Garden Equipment Policy
  • Lost or missing child Policy
  • Medication Policy
  • Outings Policy
  • Overnight care Policy
  • Paddling Pool Policy
  • Pet Policy
  • Risk assesment
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • SEND Policy
  • Smoking Policy
  • Tranporting children in the Car Policy
  • Uncollected children Policy
  • Visitors in my home
  • Working with parents


Recently added:

Allergen Policy (January 2015)

SEND Policy (September 2014)

Potty Training

Severe Weather

All the important policies are listed in detail below. You can also access my policies folder in the Little Twinkles Playroom on request. If you would like a copy of all the policies please request them to be emailed to you at any time. Many Thanks




From December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers regulation (EU FIC) comes into force and there will be a legal responsibility to provide allergen information about the ingredients that is in the food given to your child. This information needs to be shared and kept updated whilst your child is in my care.


Whilst I will do my best to accommodate food allergies or intolerances I cannot guarantee my food will be free of allergens. If allergies or intolerances are an issue for your child please discuss this with me.   I may ask you to provide food if I feel it is in the best interests of your child. I am happy to seek advice from the dieticians at your local hospital if this is appropriate.


My Procedure


I will check the ingredient list on all foods to ensure no identified allergens are present.  No child will be given foods where an allergen has been identified, and this would include the other minded children on that day to avoid any potential cross contamination or exposure to the allergen.


If I am providing food for a child that has an allergy, I will follow good hygiene practices and follow the guidance as set out in the document ‘safer food, better business for childminders’ from the Foods Standards Agency.


Information on allergens used will be made available to parents on request.  It is also important that you, the parent, keep me informed if your child develops any allergies or food intolerance whilst in my care.






Special Educational needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy                               


As an Ofsted registered Childminder, I aim to follow the requirements of EYFS (2014) and the Childcare Register (2012) and provide an inclusive environment for ALL children and their families. I am also requite to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice 2014


I will do this by:

  • Regularly talking to parents/carers about the individual needs of each child
  • Talking to children about their likes/dislikes and interests
  • Encouraging parents to tell me about family culture/religion/beliefs
  • Providing a wide range of resources and activities which reflect the diversity of our local area and further afield
  • Supporting each child through sensitive observation, regular assessment and individually planned activities to achieve their full potential
  • Providing individual support depending on child’s needs
  • Using the 2 year progress check to highlight any areas of concern
  • Focusing on the positive things that each child can do
  • Challenging any forms of prejudice
  • Providing resources which challenge stereotypical ideas
  • Sharing information with parents/carers about children’s learning and development- and providing ideas for home learning-as required by EYFS 2014
  • Seeking permission to ask for support from outside agencies where appropriate
  • Attending appropriate training to ensure I have skills and knowledge that needed to support children and their families
  • Encourage children to respect each other as individuals


I welcome your feedback on my service at any time and I am happy to discuss my policies verbally, or provide them in a different format if needed


I am a designated SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) for Little Twinkles Childminding

If I believe a child needs additional support, I will speak to parents and ask their permission to approach agencies which will support their child. I will follow the graduate approach set out in the Department for Education SEND Code of Practice to ensure every child receives the best possible care, learning and development


A SEND guide for parents and carers is available from


Potty training policy


I aim to work in partnership with parents and carers when you wish to start potty training your child. Each child is different and can’t be hurried into potty training before they are ready.


Many children will show strong signs that they are ready for potty training before the age of 3 years old. The bladder capacity increases significantly between the age of 2 and 3 years, therefore by the time they are 3 years old most children are able to hold on and stay dry for longer periods of time. Through some may be slightly earlier and some take longer, each individual child is different.


 Signs your child may be ready:


  • Your child is staying dry for longer periods of time (often two hours or more)
  • Your child recognises when he/she is in the process of urinating or voiding. If you try to potty train before this time, you'll likely run into trouble, since your child isn't really aware of what she's doing and so is unable to control something she can't understand.
  • Your child can follow simple instructions. There are many steps to using the toilet that we take for granted as adults
  • Your child is able to sit and engage in an activity for several minutes without becoming distracted or irritable
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, your child shows interest and desire. Interest in keeping dry or clean. Interest in wearing "big kid" underwear. Interest in what you're doing when you go potty and a desire to do what you're doing.


Remember, age is not the most important factor. Potty training will be best accomplished when your child's physical and emotional development are taken into account as well.


When you believe your child is ready to be potty trained, you are required to start the process at home over a holiday period or at least a weekend. We can always start off by putting your child on the potty at regular times of the day and at nappy changing time then progress from there. I would require your child to wear either pull ups or at least trainer pants until they can actually ask to use the toilet before they require it and can control their bladder / bowels a few moments beyond that announcement. Normal pants can only be used here on their own once your child has demonstrated full bladder and bowel control and asking for the toilet, we will discuss at the time when necessary. If using trainer pants please supply some nappies / pull ups for outings and sleep times until child is fully trained.


Whilst potty training children really need to wear suitable clothing, e.g. easy to pull up and down, no dungarees or baby grows with poppers underneath. During potty training in normal pants, it would be good practice to supply at least 2 or 3 extra full changes of clothing, to include socks (if wearing them). Soiled clothes will be returned in a plastic bag at the end of the day.


Any accidents will be dealt with calmly and not to blame or discipline the child into thinking they have done something wrong. Praise will be used when a potty / toilet has been used.


It is not advisable to start potty training when there are any major changes in the child’s life going on at the same time.


If after a couple of weeks it is obvious the child is not ready, then it may be advisable to stop the process and re-try in a couple of months time.


Please note the above are guidelines, we will discuss the individual requirements for your child when the time arrives.


If you have any concerns regarding this policy please discuss them with me.



Severe weather policy


In the event of severe bad weather (heavy snow, ice, fog, floods), it remains the parents decision whether or not to bring their child to my service. If parents decide not to send their child to us for their normal care – full fees will still be due.  Our service will be open and it is your decision to send your child to us or not.  However, should your child be with us and the weather takes a turn for the worst and we decide to close our service, then parents will be advised as soon as possible to come and collect your child.  In this case, full fees will still be payable.


If parents are delayed by severe bad weather, they must inform us as soon as possible and keep us updated about their journey. Their child will be kept safe and reassured during this time.  If you cannot bring your child to us in the morning of their session, for instance if you are snowed in, please inform us as soon as possible.

We aim to always inform parents of weather conditions whilst their child is at our service to allow for earlier collection if necessary.

If you have any concerns regarding this policy, please contact me.



Accident and Emergency Policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and

Welfare requirements)


The safety of your child is paramount. While children are in my care I will keep them safe.

My premises have been checked by Ofsted, both indoors and outdoors meet the requirement of Early Years Foundation Stage in England. To ensure I meet these requirements at all times, I update and review my procedures on the regular basis. I also review and practice fire drill every month and record it in a fire drill book.


Accidents to minded children, childminder’s own children or childminder


I hold paediatric and emergency first aid certificate as required by Ofsted. Therefore I can administer first aid treatment using first aid box which is stored in the kitchen. Parent contact numbers are kept securely with the first aid box, in case of emergency.


I hold written permission from parents in child’s registration form to seek emergency treatment for their child if it is needed.


I also have my assistant Michael Braithwaite, as an emergency back up cover. My assistant can mind children solely for the maximum time of two hours.



  • I will comfort the child and reassure them
  • I will assess the extent of child’s injury
  • If the accident is minor I will carry out any first aid procedures that are necessary and that I have been trained to do
  • If it is a major accident I will ring 999 for help
  • Once the child is more settled I will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the accident and if necessary to ask you to return to care for your child/ meet me at the hospital
  • If the accident is major I will contact the parent while waiting for medical assistance, advice parents of the situation and request to meet at the hospital
  • Other children in my care will be minded by my assistant, while I attend to the emergency. My assistant was introduced to all parents and children at the settling- in visit.
  • My assistant can only mind children for the maximum of two hours therefore he will contact parents and advice them to pick up their children as soon as possible due to the emergency.


After every accident, however minor I will:

  • complete a report in my accident book
  • ask parents to sign the report and then provide them with a copy


If the incident requires any medical treatment then I will:

  • I will inform Ofsted, the Local Child Protection Agency, Health and Safety Executive and my insurance company as soon as is reasonably practical, but in any event within 14 days of the incident occurring


I will do my best to ensure that all children in my care are safe, reassured and kept calm.


Accidents of site:


  • I will store parents’ contact details in my mobile phone which I will take with me on the every outing, in case of an accident
  • I will also take out travel first aid kit with me which will be kept in my business car or in my bag if I am not using my car
  • Above procedures will be followed if an accident should occur off site


Other emergencies:


  • Should any over emergency occur such as natural disaster, terrorist attack, gas leak
  • I will contact parents as soon as possible, I also expect parents to contact in the event of any emergency
  • If parent can’t contact me or I can’t contact parents, I will keep the children safe till contact is possible
  • If emergency occurs on the childminding premises children will be taken to a safe place, parents will be contacted and advised to pick up their children as soon as possible due to the emergency


Complaints Policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and Records, Complaints)


As a registered I am to work in an effective partnership with parents to meet the individual needs of all children in my care. I aim to have good communication between myself and parents. I expect that parents will immediately bring to my attention any aspects of my service they are not happy with so every effort can be made to resolve the matter. Parents can make a complaint to me verbally or in writing.


I will provide parents with the information about Ofsted’s childcare requirements and contact details in the hand book which parents will receive before they sign the contact.




As a requirement of Early Years Foundation Stage it is my duty to investigate written complaints and notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days of the receipt of the complaint.


I will notify Ofsted within 14 days of receiving a formal written complaint within 14 days.


I will keep a written record of all complaints and their outcome for at least three years. Confidentiality will be maintained but, as required, I will provide Ofsted, on request, with a written record of all complaints within a specified period and the action taken as a result of each complaint.


I will record the following information:


  • The name of the person making the complaint.
  • The Early Years Foundation Stage requirement(s) to which the complaint relates.
  • The nature of the complaint.
  • The date and time of the complaint.
  • Any action taken in response to the complaint.
  • The outcome of the complaint investigation (for example, ways the service has improved).

Details of the information and findings that were given to the person making the complaint, including any action taken


Confidentiality Policy

(Meeting Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and records)


All information on children, families and anyone working with me is kept securely and treated in confidence.


Information will only be shared if the parents or assistants give their permission or there appears to be a child protection issue. All paper records will be kept confidential and records are kept secure in a locked cabinet.




All parents receive a copy of my policies and procedures, which detail how I run my setting.


My certificate of registration is displayed and available to all parents.


I am aware of my responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


I maintain up to date records of parents’ and/or emergency contact details, the contact details of the child’s GP and appropriate signed consent forms.


I expect parents to inform me of any changes in the child’s home circumstances, care arrangements, who will drop off and collect the child or any other change which may affect the child’s behaviour such as a new baby, parents’ separation, divorce, new partner or any bereavement.


I will keep all information confidential and not disclose this without parents’ consent, except as required by law, for example, if there may be a child protection issue. (Please refer to my Safeguarding Children policy for more details on this).


I expect parents to keep private and confidential any sensitive information they may accidentally learn about my family, setting or the other children and families attending, unless it is a child protection issue.



Ofsted may require to my see records at any time.


Parents have the right to inspect all records about their child at any time.


I record all accidents in an accident book. I will notify NCMA of all accidents which may result in an insurance claim, e.g. an accident involving a doctor or hospital visit. NCMA will log and acknowledge receipt of the correspondence and forward the information to the company providing my public liability policy to enable a claim number to be allocated.


I will inform Ofsted, the local child protection agency, Social Services and the Health and Safety Executive of any significant injuries, accidents or deaths as soon as possible.


I record all significant incidents in an incident book and I will share these with parents so that together we can work to resolve any issues.


If I keep records relating to individual children on my computer I will ask for the parent’s permission. I will store the information securely in password-protected files, to prevent viewing of the information by others with access to the computer.


If I record information on a personal computer, or take digital photographs or videos as part of my observations, I have taken the necessary action to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).



Health and Safety Policy


The Health and Safety of your child is very important to me and I have therefore documented the following procedures that I have in place to support this.


  • All toys will be checked and cleaned regularly to ensure they are safe for your child to use. Any broken or hazardous toys will be removed immediately. Children will only be offered toys and resources that are suitable for their age/stage of development
  • I do a quick risk assessment of my home every morning before the children arrive to ensure that it is a safe environment for minded children
  • All plug sockets not in use have socket covers
  • All equipment will be checked and cleaned regularly. All equipment is fitted with the correct safety harnesses to prevent accidents, for example highchair and pushchairs.
  • Car seats are checked regularly to ensure they are correctly fitted. If necessary I will get them checked with the Road Safety Team. I will never use a second hand carseat, as I do not know its history.
  • My car is regularly serviced and MOT. I keep the safety locks on the back doors working. My car insurance is for Business use.
  • I use safety equipment appropriate for the children in my care, ie stair gates, cupboard locks etc. These are checked regularly.
  • I will keep my front door locked with the keys on a hook up high to prevent the children opening the door to strangers.
  • I have procedures in place in the event of a fire (fire evacuation &smoking policy)
  • I keep my kitchen very clean, following hygiene guidelines on the storing of food, keeping the fridge at the correct temperature etc
  • I ensure that the children do not have access to any waste, the bins are emptied daily and any used nappies are double wrapped and placed in the outdoor rubbish bin.
  • I do not permit smoking in my home (see non smoking policy)
  • I follow strict hygiene guidelines to prevent contamination
  • I have strict Child protection guidelines in place (safeguarding policy)
  • Children must stay with me when we are away from the home. Younger child will be strapped in a pushchair, older children will either be on a harness or wrist strap, or holding onto my hand/pushchair.
  • I have emergency contact details with me at all times should I need to contact the parents.
  • I will work with you to teach the children about safety issues like crossing the road and stranger danger.
  • I will work with you to teach the children about making healthy food choices and physical exercise.
  • Sleeping children will be regularly monitored
  • I discourage the children from keeping ‘secrets’
  • I will restrain a child if they are putting themselves or others in danger, for example running into a road.


If you have any concerns regarding the health and safety of your child please discuss them with me.


Illness and Infection policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements)


I understand that all parents need to be able to go to work, however if a child is unwell, parents will have to take time off work or find alternative childcare arrangements for their child. Children who are unwell can cause risk to myself, my family and other children in my care. Therefore I am happy to care for children with minor colds and coughs, but will not care for children who are very unwell, running high temperature or have an infectious condition (see chart below). The child will be excluded from attending my childminding service for the length of time appropriate for their condition.




  • If child is unwell I would expect parents to contact me and inform me about the child’s condition
  • If child has prescribed medication, such as antibiotics or eye drops, it is advised that children do not attend the childminding service for at least 48 hours after the medication has been prescribed
  • If the child is to carry on with the prescribed medication after 48 hours, I will administer this medication if I have a parent consent form signed and dated for the prescribed medication


If child becomes unwell in my care:


  • Child will be made as comfortable as possible
  • Parents will be contacted and I will care for the child till parents arrive
  • If child has a temperature I will administer Calpol, only if I have a written consent from the parent to administer medication. See my Medication Policy
  • If child has high temperature I will administer Calpol and inform the parent of child’s condition.


All parents will be notified if a child has an infectious disease, I will make every effort to respect parents’ and child’s confidentiality.





I ensure all adults and children in my setting are aware of good hand-washing procedures, before eating or handling food and after using the toilet.


I provide each child with individual flannel and towel which I will wash regularly.


I ensure there is a supply of tissues available for children.


I immediately clean up any spillage of body fluids using a disposable cloth and gloves.


I wear disposable gloves for changing nappies. I will discard these gloves after each change.


I ensure that any animals on the premises are safe to be around children and do not pose a health risk.


I ensure that litter trays and pet food dishes are kept away from children.


Infectious disease

Exclusion period

Hand, foot and mouth disease





48 hours following commencement of treatment

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting


Until treatment is started

Chicken pox, Measles, Rubella

For 5 days after rash appears


For 5 days after the onset of swollen glands


Until treated

Whooping cough and Scarlet fever

For 5 days after commencing antibiotics


Until lesions are crusted or healed


Lost or missing children policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and Records)


Procedure if a child is lost or goes missing


  • I will safely supervise children when we go on outings or trips and undertake a risk assessment.
  • I will teach the children about safety when we are out and about and tell them what to do if they do become lost according to their age and stage of development. E.g. stay where they are, meet up at a certain place, use their mobile phone to summon help.
  • If a child goes missing, I will tell the police, provide a description and search the area.
  • If a child goes missing in a public place e.g. a library, park, shop or shopping centre I will also alert the staff and security staff. Then, I will contact the parents and Ofsted. Other children in my care will be kept with me and reassured.
  • To ensure children do no get lost I will keep children in pushchairs while in busy public areas, if age appropriate.
  • Older children will wear reins or wrist bands to ensure children are within short distance from me
  • While children are on the public outings they will wear yellow safety vests with my name, address and phone number
  • I will avoid as best as I can taking children out in the busy public areas
  • I will carry out regular risk assessments on each outing, which will help me to asses the risk of children going missing while in my care and minimize these risks

Medication Policy

(The Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding, Welfare and Health Requirements)


As a childminder I understand that sometimes children may require medication while in my care, due to being unwell or having ill health symptoms.


I am happy to administer non- prescribed medication such as cough mixture, Calpol, teething gel and prescribed medication, only if prescribed medication course is still required after exclusion period (See illness and Infections Policy).




  • Medicine will only be administered if parents signed an up do date parental permission form for me to do so
  • I will ensure that all the medication given to me has an accurate label and date. If it is a prescribed medication it will need to have a prescription label with child’s details and a correct date
  • I will ensure that all the medication that is given to me will be stored correctly. Medication will be stored in the cool dark cupboard which is out of children’s reach or in the fridge, if required
  • Parents need to ensure that I am aware of children’s conditions such as asthma or acute allergies. Parents will need to provide as inhaler to stay on my premises if possible, in case they happen to forget the inhaler. Also if a child has acute allergies and carries/needs an epipen, parents need to discuss the matter with me. I may need additional training to administer these forms of medication.
  • All medicine given to me to administer must be in its original bottle/container and not decanted. It must have the manufacturers guidelines on it and if a prescription medication the details from the Doctor/pharmacy.
  • I will record all medication administered in my medication book and request a parental signature at the end of each day.


If you have any concerns regarding medication please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.


Outings policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and Suitability of premises, environment and equipment, Risk assessment, Outings)


It is my policy to keep children safe on outings whilst in my care.




  • In order to do this I will ensure that:


  • The ratio of adults to children on any outing will never be less than 1 adult to 3 children


  • I carry out a trial run and full risk assessment of the proposed outing.


  • I obtain written parental permission for children to take part in regular, local outings whilst in my care and specific written permission for a longer outing.


  • I take essential records and equipment for each child on outings as necessary, including contact telephone numbers for parents, a first-aid kit and a mobile telephone.


  • I keep records of my own and any other vehicles in which children are transported, including insurance details and a list of named drivers, and I make these available to parents.


  • I will ensure that I and any other driver transporting children in their own vehicle has adequate insurance cover and age appropriate car safety seats. This also applies to the use of mini cabs.


  • I make parents aware of what I will do in the event of a lost child.


  • This policy also links with my accident and emergency procedures.


Pet policy

(Meeting Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Health and Safety)


I believe that children can learn a lot from having contact with animals. While in my care children will have opportunities to interact with cats, a dog and learn about fish.




  • Children must be encouraged to treat all animals with respect, learning how to handle them correctly.


  • Children must wash their hands after any contact with animals and understand the reasoning behind this.


  • Children must be taught that not all animals are child friendly and that they should always check with the animal’s owner before attempting to stroke or handle them.


  • Food for the pet must be stored safely away from the children’s reach


  • Feeding bowls will be cleared away after animals are fed, usually before children arrive


  • A high standard of hygiene must be followed, with careful thought given to the placing of the feeding and drink bowls of dogs and cats.


  • The garden must be checked every morning, before the children are permitted outside to play, to ensure that no animal has fouled it.


  • Children will not be left unsupervised with animals


  • Children will not be forced to interact with animals, children are allowed to make their own choice whether to interact with the animals or not


  • Parents preferences regarding animals will be taken into the consideration


  • All pets in my house have correct vaccination, also regular worm and flea treatment


  • Pets are not allowed in the playroom





Safeguarding policy

(Early Years Foundation Stage The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements)


My childminding service keeps the needs and best interests of the child in the centre of everything I do. I aim to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in my care, by following requirements set by Ofsted and Local Safeguarding Children Board.


I have received Safeguarding Awareness training and I am aware of the signs and symptoms of child neglect and abuse. I am also aware of all the actions I need to take in case any child in my care is believed to be in any harm.


I also understand that as a registered childminder, one of my main roles is to be my own Child Protection Officer.




  • I take regular training and read relevant legislations to keep up to date with child protection issues
  • I am aware of all the local safeguarding children board procedures. I have a good understanding of all the relevant guidance
  • If I am concerned about a child’s welfare, I will observe and record any signs and symptoms.
  • As a Child Protection Officer it is my responsibility to inform Local Safeguarding Children’s Board ( 01472 325499 ),Ofsted (03000 123 1231) and Social Services of any concerns about child’s welfare
  • Confidentially is always assured if I am fully satisfied there is no risk of harm to the child. However if child’s welfare is at risk, I will have to disclose confidential information to protect the child
  • Parents will have to inform me of any accidents or injuries that will need to be recorded on the child’s record
  • If I notice changes in behaviour or a general deterioration in a child’s well being. Any unexplained bruising or marks that I haven’t been made aware of that are of a concern or any other signs of abuse or neglect. I will implement the local safe guarding children board procedures to minimise any risk to the child
  • I will ask parents for an explanation of child’s injuries or behaviour changes as long as it doesn’t cause any risk to a child. I will also remind parents, that it is their responsibility to ensure that their child is safe and healthy. If necessary I will advice parents that if child is observed to be under any harm, further actions will need to be taken
  • If a child informs me that they or another child is being abused I will show that I have heard them and take there allegation seriously, I will record accurately what a child says and does
  • I will encourage a child to talk freely without interruption. I will not prompt or ask leading questions I will not make them repeat what they have said. I will explain to the child in a way that is appropriate to the child’s age and understanding what action I must take to help them. I will make a note of the date and time location and any witnesses to the conversation.
  • Then I will report immediately to the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board who has the experience and responsibility to asses the situation.
  • If an allegation is made against me or any other persons living or working in my setting; I will report it to OFSTED and social services following the Safeguarding Children Board procedures. I will also contact the NCMA information line on 0845 880 0044 for advice and support.
  • I will in all instances record the child’s name, address, time & date; factual details for example: What the child said, any bruising/marks, and names of anyone present at the time and explanation from parents.
  • Any persons/ assistants that are in regular contact with children in my setting will undergo the required checks


     Use of mobile phones and cameras

I understand that if I store personal details of children and their families on my computer or digital camera, I will notify the Information Commissioner’s Office for Data Protection. I will also password protect my computer and have a separate account for childminding information and paper work. I will only take pictures of children for observation and display purposes using digital camera with a separate memory card, only if parents’ have signed a written permission for me to do so.


As a registered childminder I understand the importance of communicating with parents when necessary. Therefore I will use my mobile phone to contact parents while I am at home and out. However I will not use my mobile phone for personal use or to take pictures of any children.



  • Photos of children can only be taken by me on the digital camera using separate memory card, with the written permission from parents where it is clearly indicates where photos can be used e.g. observations, room displays.
  • Photos of children will be stored on the password protected computer and deleted when children leave my setting
  • I will ensure that children are appropriately dressed when I take their photos
  • I will ensure that all visitors entering my house during Childminding hours leave their phones in the designated storage area, this is done to protect children and prevent visitors from taking pictures or videos of children in my care.
  • I will ensure that any Assistants working with me leaves their personal phone in the designated storage area.
  • I will ensure that my mobile is kept out of reach of children


Transporting children in a Car policy

(Meeting Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirments)


The safety of your child is paramount and I have therefore put together the following procedures regarding the transportation of children in my car.




  • I am a competent driver with 5+ years of driving experience and I have a full driving license, which is available for you to see on request


  • I will ensure my car complies with all legislations which include MOT, Car Tax and Business Use Insurance


  • I will avoid where possible taking your child to a petrol station, by filling up my car before or after my minded hours


  • I will ensure all car seats are correctly fitted, age and stage appropriate for the children using them and that they are correctly strapped into them


  • I will ensure that the child safety locks are in use on my car


  • I will always carry a mobile telephone with me in case of an emergency but will not answer it whilst driving. I will return calls on my return


  • I will always carry identification for me and the minded children in case of an emergency


  • I will always carry a First Aid kit in the car in case of an emergency


  • I will never leave a child unattended in a car.


  • I will teach your child about the dangers of cars and roads, in an age appropriate way.


  • I will advise you in advance if we are making any special trips or long trips in the car.


  • If your child suffers from travel sickness please let me know immediately.


  • If you have any concerns regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact me.


Uncollected children policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and records)


Procedure if a child is not collected

  • If a child is not collected within an hour, of the agreed collection time, I will try calling the parents’ contact numbers. Then I will try the emergency contact numbers.


  • During this time, I will continue to safely look after the child.


  • I will continue to try the parents’ contact numbers and emergency numbers, but if I have heard nothing after two hours from the original agreed collection time, I will then inform the local authority duty social worker.


  • I may charge an additional fee for late collection.

Visitors in my home

(Meeting Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare requirements: Suitable persons)


As an Ofsted registered Childminder I am very aware of my role in keeping your child safe. Whilst children need to mix with other children and adults it is my responsibility to ensure the suitability of those that they come into contact during minded hours




  • Any regular visitors to my setting will have a Criminal Record Bureau Check


  • I will not leave a minded child in a room alone with a visitor, unless I know they have been CRB cleared, for example another Ofsted Registered Childminder.


  • I will not allow any visitors to take my minded children to the toilet or change their nappies.


  • I will request identification from all visitors not known to me and will refuse entry if I am unsure of them.


  • I will endeavour, when possible, to arrange for any maintenance work to my property to be carried out at weekends and during non-minding hours.


  • I will maintain a visitors book which is available for you to look at


  • I will ask visitors to store their mobile phone in the safe place away from the children


If you have any concerns regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.



Working with parent policy

(Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and records)


I aim to work in partnership with parents and carers to meet the needs of the children I care for.


I respect that parents are children’s first and most enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early year’s settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.


I treat all children and adults equally and create a welcoming, inclusive environment in my home.




All parents receive a copy of my policies and procedures, information about the types of activities provided, the daily routines and how parents can share learning at home .


Contracts and records


I draw up and sign a written contract with parents before the placement starts. The contract is signed by the parent/s and myself and dated. I give copies to the parent/s and any other party involved in the contractual arrangements.


I review the contract with parents when circumstances change.


I issue a receipt for all payments received from parents.


I meet parents’ requests for the care of their children according to their values and practices, preferences and attitudes. I will do my best to ensure that all children’s individual needs are met and parents values are respected. I will ensure that I always do what is in the best interest of the child.


I keep records of these requests with the child record forms which also contain emergency contact numbers, dietary requirements/preferences, food allergies, health requirements, and information about who has legal contact with the child and who has parental responsibility for the child. These records are revisited and updated during regular reviews with parents.


Communication with parents


I work together with parents to make sure that the care of their child is consistent.


I make time for discussion about a child’s needs by sharing information with parents about daily routines and activities in my setting and in the child’s home.


Ways of sharing this information can include inviting parents to add to children’s profile books, daily diaries, email, telephone, face-to-face meetings, and informal day to day feed back.


I will discuss any changes in my or the child’s home circumstances which may impact on the child’s development or my ability to care for a child.


I offer regular review meetings with parents to discuss their child’s learning and development share observations and discuss next steps. This will be offered every 6 months or on parents request.


I welcome parents’ feed back on my service. Please refer to my Complaints Policy on my procedures for managing negative feedback.


I display my Ofsted registration certificate and the Ofsted poster for parents which introduce Ofsted's childcare responsibilities and gives Ofsted contact details.


Ofsted inspections


I will notify all parents in advance when I am to be inspected by Ofsted so that parents can contribute their views to the inspector.


I will supply parents with a copy of the Ofsted report within five working days of receiving the report.


All significant incidents are recorded in an incident book and will be shared and discussed with parents so that we can work together to resolve any issues.







Opening Hours



7.30am - 5pm


Contact us


01472 877743


You can also contact us via our Facebook Page




£6 per hour per child

Packed Lunch Required


Flexible hours to suit your needs.


We now have a 2 day minimum requirement for childcare



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© Little Twinkles Childcare 2021 Little Twinkles Childcare